Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant. And explore VSAC scholarships—Deadline: Feb. 12!
“There are so many ways to look at death. I try to talk about it a lot,” says Cara Campbell. “People shy away at first. But then, when something happens, they need someone to talk to.” Cara Campbell is a certified end-of-life doula, a role that is just beginning to take shape in the United States…
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Do you want money for college or career training for fall 2025? VSAC is your student aid source. For high school seniors and returning college students, time is running out to apply for any of the 150+ VSAC-administered scholarships and forgivable loans. If you don’t review VSAC's Scholarships &…
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Patrick Rogers graduated from high school in the year 2000—“you know, when we all thought the world was ending,” he says. While it’s funny to think about now, Patrick still finds relevance in it. As the Associate Director of Admissions for Vermont State University (VTSU), he’s always looking for…
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